Select the Download button to get the app.

Wait for the App Store to display the message Download an older version of this app?.Start downloading the app by hitting the Get button or tapping on the cloud symbol with the downward arrow.Select the app name or icon to open the download page.Open the App Store on your iPhone and search for the app you want to download.When you do, the App Store will display a message asking if you want to download an older version of the app. You can ignore that message and proceed to hit the download button anyway. On the app page, it's common to come across a message telling you that an app Requires iOS 13.0 or later, leading you to believe that your phone is incompatible. That's because the App Store doesn't clarify whether an older version of an app exists. This is the easiest option available to download an older version of an app, but one that you may not know about. Let Apple Download the Last Compatible Version